Co-operation with the universities, research and development institutions
The company DELTA HL mainly implements the own innovative strategy, whose output are as well as innovations in the field of application the newest composite carbon materials for crane type of jibs, so innovations in the field of design the weldment assemblies, with reference to their better mechanical characters and lifetime.
The company co-operate in the long term at the development of its products with the universities, mainly in the field of testing applied characters and parameters.
Testing the stress at current jibs
The company co-operate in the long term at collective research of utilization the modern composite materials for application the jibs of building machines and their connection with other materials, with foreign and czech research companies. The co-operation was approached significant manufacturer of building machines. The co-operation is related to development the structure of steel and composite jibs for pums of concrete mixtures, telescopic jibs of assemly bridges and further, to the range of development and optimalization of masts made of carbon material and their welding.